tcamtegrasrc for MIPI and FPD Link Cameras on NVIDIA® Tegra

The tcamtegrasrc package contains the camera source for MIPI and FPD Link cameras on NVIDIA® Tegra for use with tiscamera 1.0.

This package substitutes the previously used tis-tegra-filters package.

tcamtegrasrc for MIPI and FPD Link Cameras on NVIDIA® Tegra
发行日期 档案大小 档案类型 系统需求
tcamtegrasrc for MIPI and FPD Link Cameras on NVIDIA® Tegra 2022年7月6日 695.5 kB DEB
  • NVIDIA® Jetson Nano™, Xavier™ NX or AGX Xavier™
  • MIPI Sensor Drivers for NVIDIA® JetPacks
  • The Imaging Source MIPI Camera


First release

Compatibility to tiscamera 1.0

Integrated auto algorithms previously contained in tiscamera.