TISImaq 直接与 IMAQ 工具箱介接,让你可将图像数据直接导入 MATLAB 进行数据分析,或将数据转化为视像效果与做成模型。
Change base to IC Imaging Control 3.4 for supporting all The Imaging Source cameras.
Added the script register_tisimaq.m, which registers the DLL for the IMAQ toolbox
Added a double input field for framrates for cameras, that allow ROI on the sensor.
Added a check on NULL on return value of grabber::getAvailableVideoFormats. This avoids a Matlab crash.
Enabled BY8 video format
Changed the cameras' one push button values (for example for auto focus, software trigger) to "Ready" and "Push". The value must be set to "Push" in the drop down list in order to fire the function.
The video format list is new, to enable more and better video formats to be listed in the IMAQ Toolbox camera list.
Fixed a problem for setting an ROI when a GigE camera is disconnected.