GenTL Producer for Non-GenICam Cameras (V4L2)

GenTL Producer for V4L2 Cameras (2U, 23U, 27U series, select AFU cameras)

This driver is required to access UVC cameras via V4L2 using the IC Imaging Control 4 SDK.

The GenTL Producer can also be used by third-party image processing or acquisition software, such as HALCON or MATLAB.

The package contains the GenTL .CTI file.

GenTL Producer for Non-GenICam Cameras (V4L2)
Released Size Type Requirements
GenTL Producer for Non-GenICam Cameras (V4L2) January 30, 2025 7.3 MB
  • Linux Ubuntu 20.04 LTS or newer
  • x86_64 CPU: Latest Intel® Core™ i3 (or better) or equivalent AMD® 64-Bit processor (AVX2 support recommended)
  • aarch64 CPU: Armv8-A with AArch64 support. ARM processors used on NVIDIA Jetson modules (or better) or equivalent
  • Minimum 4 GB RAM
  • The Imaging Source UVC cameras (e.g. 2U series, 23U series, 27U series, select AFU models)


Initial release for Linux x86_64 and Linux ARM 64-bit.