Added C++: MP4/WMV MediaStreamContainer ids to public interface
Fixed: Documentation for MediaStreamContainer::getAvailableMediaStreamContainerList
Fixed: Documentation for MediaStreamContainer::isUncompressedSupported
Fixed: Documentation for FrameQueueSink created with a function object
Fixed: Documentation of Grabber::getCurrentActualFPS/getCurrentMaxActualFPS to indicate the deprecation info and contain an alternative function to use
Fixed C++: VS2022 compile error because of unknown compiler version
Fixed: Save RGB64 in sink to JPEG creates a jpeg with 'wrong' colors.
Added WMV and MP4 MediaStreamContainer instances.
Added: Codec::getAvailableCodecList
Added: MediaStreamContainer::getAvailableMediaStreamContainerList
Added: MediaStreamContainer::isCustomCodecSupported( const smart_ptr& codec ) const;
Added: MediaStreamContainer::isUncompressedSupported() const;
Fixed: Linker error when using nullptr != smart_com_ptr
The Name of C++ wizard was changed for better differing between C++ and C# wizards.
Corrected documentation: MediaSubtype entries lists Y800/Y16/RGB6 now.
Corrected documentation: Return value of getDriverVersion() corrected.
Standalone setup for C++ class library only.
Added new sink types for simplifying the implementation of fast and correct image acquisition.
Improved performance when using GigECam driver 3.6 or 33U driver 4.6.
Removed some functions that were marked as deprecated in previous versions.
Added support for Visual Studio 2019
Corrected C++ samples for import in Visual Studio 2017 C++ for 32 and 64 bit builds.
Visual Studio 2017 C++ Dialog Application Wizard implemented.
Denoise and ROI filter accept RGB64 video format.
Fix on the Device_Change event.