tcamdutils-cuda GPU Enhanced Processing on NVIDIA® Tegra

tcamdutils-cuda is a GStreamer 1.0 module with graphics card support through the CUDA platform that includes a multitude of image enhancement/conversion algorithms. These include format conversions like debayering, camera adjustments like auto-exposure and additional functionality.

This GStreamer 1.0 module is used with tiscamera 1.0.

tcamdutils-cuda GPU Enhanced Processing on NVIDIA® Tegra
Released Size Type Requirements
tcamdutils-cuda GPU Enhanced Processing on NVIDIA® Tegra July 6, 2022 572.5 kB DEB
  • NVIDIA® Jetson Nano™, Xavier™ NX or AGX Xavier™
  • MIPI Sensor Drivers for NVIDIA® JetPacks
  • The Imaging Source MIPI Camera


First release